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List segmentation

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Segmentation is a crucial strategy in email marketing that involves dividing your subscriber list into smaller, more targeted groups based on specific criteria such as demographics, behaviour, or interests. 

This approach allows marketers to tailor their messages to resonate more deeply with each segment, leading to higher engagement rates, improved customer satisfaction, and increased conversion rates.
By understanding and addressing the unique needs and preferences of different segments, businesses can create more personalized and relevant content, ultimately driving better results and fostering stronger relationships with their audience. 

In this guide, you will learn how to use TouchBasePro’s “Lists & Subscribers” tab to create segments within your lists. 


Steps to creating a segment

Step 1

Login to your account, ensure you are working in the correct company profile, and navigate to the “Lists & Subscribers” tab in the left-hand menu. 



Step 2

Click on the list that you would like to segment.



Step 3

In the sub-menu bar at the top of the tab, click on “Segments” and then click on the “Create a new Segment” button. 



Step 4

  • Name your Segment.
  • In the first dropdown menu, choose the custom field (merge tag data) that will define the qualifying data for your segment.
  • Define the condition statement in the second dropdown menu that the data must meet in order to qualify for the segment.
  • If required, in the text block, define the value that accompanies the condition statement (in the case of conditions such as “Greater than”, “Equal to” etc. a value will need to be defined.)
  • Click the “Save and preview” or “Update” button. (It can take a few minutes to create)



Understanding each condition statement:

String Matching Conditions

  1. Starts With: Selects records where the value of a specified field begins with a certain character or sequence of characters.
  2. Does Not Start With: Filters out records where the value of a specified field begins with a certain character or sequence of characters.
  3. Ends With: Retrieves records where the value of a specified field ends with a certain character or sequence of characters.
  4. Does Not End With: Excludes records where the value of a specified field ends with a certain character or sequence of characters.
  5. Contains: Selects records where the value includes, anywhere within it, the given character or sequence of characters.
  6. Does Not Contain: Excludes records that include, anywhere within them, the given character or sequence of characters.

Equality Conditions

  1. Equal: Selects records where the value of a specified field exactly matches the given character or sequence of characters.
  2. Not Equal: Filters in records where the value of a specified field does not exactly match the given character or sequence of characters.

Presence Conditions

  1. Is Provided: Selects records where any non-null and non-empty data exists for that particular field.
  2. Is Not Provided: Filters for cases where no data (null, empty) exists for that particular field.

These conditions help precisely filter and segment data based on specific criteria, making data management and analysis more efficient.


"OR" and "AND" Rules

 Add an “And” or “Or” condition to your segment to more accurately define your segment. Simply use the “+OR” and “+And” buttons to add a condition that is added as an extra requirement or alternative requirement for your dataset to meet in order to qualify for that segment. 



Understanding ”Or” and ”And” conditions: 

Combining condition statements using “AND” and “OR” can help create more complex and precise filters for your data. Here’s how you can use these logical operators with the condition statements mentioned:


Using “AND”

The “AND” operator ensures that all specified conditions must be true for a record to be included in the results.

Example 1:

Condition: Starts With “A” AND Ends With “Z”

Definition: Selects records where the value starts with “A” and ends with “Z”.


Example 2:

Condition: Contains “2024” AND Is Provided

Definition: Selects records where the value contains “2024” and the field is not empty or null.


Using “OR”

The “OR” operator ensures that at least one of the specified conditions must be true for a record to be included in the results.

Example 1:

Condition: Starts With “A” OR Ends With “Z”

Definition: Selects records where the value either starts with “A” or ends with “Z”.


Example 2:

Condition: Contains “2024” OR Is Not Provided

Definition: Selects records where the value contains “2024” or the field is empty or null.


Combining “AND” and “OR”

You can also combine “AND” and “OR” to create even more specific conditions.

Example 1:

Condition: (Starts With “A” AND Ends With “Z”) OR Contains “2024”

Definition: Selects records where the value either starts with “A” and ends with “Z”, or contains “2024”.


Example 2:

Condition: (Starts With “A” OR Ends With “Z”) AND Is Provided

Definition: Selects records where the value either starts with “A” or ends with “Z”, and the field is not empty or null.

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